
經濟系學會為系內學生組成的自治團體。成立的目的在增進系上同學的福利,做為學生與系上、學生與外界之間溝通的橋樑,並藉由各式的活動設計, 來帶動全系活潑積極且富有向心力的氣氛,創造出屬於經濟系學生的歸屬感。


清華大學經濟系成立於1984年。而經濟系系學會乃在1985年10月間, 即第二屆(89級)學生入學以後,始經88與89級同學投票選舉而成立。第一屆系學會會長為88級的鄭家麟學長。


在2007年,經濟系學會以最高效率的分工組織架構重新改組,改組後之系學會以培養學生自治精神、領導能力與民主法治素養為目標,建立校方與系上學生、本系教授與學生、本系學生與學生、外校及其他系院所與本系學生等四座雙向溝通橋樑。 為本系學生爭取福利與發展進步空間,凝聚本系學生向心力,推動本系內外有關學生之各項活動。重新改組後之系學會以正副會長為核心,下轄文資、公關、活動、美宣、庶務及財務等共六股,每股皆設股長一名,建立起經濟系學會的分工制度。


The student association is an autonomous organization made up of students in the department of Economics. Its purpose is to enhance the welfare of the students in the department, serve as a bridge between the students and the department and between the students and the outside world. Through various activities, it also aims to promote a lively and positive atmosphere for the department as a whole and create a sense of belonging within the department.

The department of Economics at National Tsing Hua University was established in 1984 and its student association in 1985, that is, after the enrollment of the second class of students. Votes cast by students of both the first and second classes led to its establishment. The first president of the student association was Zheng Jialin, a student of the first class.

In 2007, the student association was reorganized using an organization structure that is expected to yield the most efficient division of labor within the association. This reorganization was undertaken in order to help members of the association cultivate self-management and leadership skills, democratic values and legal literacy. The reorganization is also expected to bring about changes conducive to better relations among students, between students and professors, between students of the department of Economics and students of other departments at National Tsing Hua University and between students of the department of Economics and students of other universities. Upon completion of the organization, the association will have the president and the vice-president at the top of the organizational chart assisted by six chief officers that will be respectively in charge of cultural affairs, public relations, operations, publicity, affairs and finance.




職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 高翊善 nthueconomics27@gmail.com
副會長 劉芷嘉 nthueconomics27@gmail.com




職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 劉恩成  dlofu.569@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
副會長 曾莉媞 liti9929150322@gmail.com


職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 吳俊諺 ds990033@gmail.com
副會長 鄭伊茹 king052852657@gmail.com


職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 郭冠毅 eagle20020317@gmail.com
副會長 鄧宇庭 s109072239@gmail.com 


職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 謝孟軒 chris0327.allofthesudden@gmail.com
副會長 劉凱容 karen20140709@gmail.com

職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 劉祖禕 crazyericliou@gmail.com
副會長 丁柏逸 ting4455@gmail.com





職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 盧玨寧 j089325055@gmail.com
副會長 莊允惟 s10050009@gmail.com





職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 陳俐卉 lily50631@yahoo.com.tw
副會長 洪子珽 linda28055694@kimo.com





職位 姓名 E-mail
會長 張晏華 yenhwa2704@gmail.com
副會長 王斌育 dove110089@gmail.com